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Sometimes you need something good and beautiful.

A bowl of oranges.
A lime tree on the windowsill,
alight with tender blossoms and glowing green orbs.
A dream brimming with the scent of tangerines.

All you want is a life as bright and juicy as a plump fruit.
Take it.

Poem by Rawaan Alkhatib

Grapefruit + Yuzu

The Scent

The zestiness of citrus fruit just ripe—winter lemons, grapefruits and yuzus—and the freshness of citrus leaves wafting from your hands as you crush them.

Perfect for a room filled with optimism, or days in need of a happy glow.

The Memories

“Growing up, we had an old lemon tree down the bottom of the garden. It didn't bear fruit every year, but when it did, I would wait, patiently, for the fruit to turn from green to yellow. Without telling my parents, I would pluck the first lemon from the tree. It was bright, sour and perfect; it was mine.”

“Is it odd that I sometimes dream of bathing in a bath full of citrus fruits?“

Available to subscribers in April 2024

Key Notes

Grapefruit: A very uplifting note, with an elegant hint of sourness.

Yuzu: Aroma between that of a lemon and a lime, potently fresh, almost floral. Elevates and prolongs the other citrus notes.

Bergamot: A complex yet light and elegant citrus note, that brings both aromatic and bitter tones.

Lemon: Provides a bright, cheerful vibrancy.

Ylang-Ylang: A rich, jasmine-like floral, which adds a touch of lusciousness.

Cinnamon: In conjunction with Ylang-ylang helps provide depth to the happy citrus notes.

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The Seasonal Subscription

Our most popular subscription option, the Seasonal Scent, features a unique, nature-inspired scent each month.

The Seasonal Scent is only available to subscribers during the month it is featured. At the end of the month, subscribers have an opportunity to stock up on the Seasonal Scent, before it is made available to our newsletter readers.

Change between the Seasonal Scent, Wood Cabin or Lavender + Petals, skip a shipment, or cancel anytime.

Grapefruit + Yuzu was the Seasonal Scent of April 2024.

March 2022
Mail Joy

“Never thought I’d be excited to get a candle in the mail, but then you showed up!”

Full Letter

Dear Keap,

I just got my second one, Grapefruit + Yuzu, and just in time for the big Nor'easter. Lovely scent for the snow days.

Never thought I’d be excited to get a candle on the mail but then you guys showed up 😂

—Monica, Massachusetts

The Current Seasonal Scent

September — Reading Room

This thoughtfully complex scent combines fragrant cedar leaves, smoky guaiac wood, and a honey-like touch of beeswax.
Discover the Seasonal Series